
We want seafood stocks to last for generations.

The definition of true sustainability begins with accountability and implementation. For our Alaskan seafood (the majority of Integra’s product) please refer to the State of Alaska Department Fish and Game. We believe in sustainability and hold ourselves to the highest standards as well as those put forward by the Marine Stewardship Council and Ocean Wise™ (Vancouver Aquarium).

Acceptable Biological Catch

Every year Alaska Fish and Game scientists calculate an Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) against the biomass (entire species available). ABC determines the maximum number of fish so that it remains sustainable. To be even more protective against overfishing they calculate a Total Allowable Catch (TAC), which is the total amount of fish allowed for harvesting. The TAC assures that the species will never become endangered.

The state of Alaska has proven the importance of sustainability by never having a species of Alaskan Seafood listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

Sustainability Initiatives